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Hunger in our community

Learn more about hunger and how it affects the people of Central Ohio.

Central Ohio is a vibrant, growing area, but not for everyone. The cost of living is high, especially rent, and many low-income neighborhoods are food deserts, without a grocery store in sight. There are thousands of people suffering with the effects of living in poverty, including hunger. 

Common Reasons for Needing Food Assistance

While it may seem that food insecurity is something that only affects certain groups, a wide range of people, from all walks of life, sometimes find themselves in need of help. Here are a few reasons why some people require food assistance:

Low Wages and Underemployment

Many people work full-time but still struggle to make ends meet. In jobs that pay minimum wage or offer limited hours, covering basic expenses like rent, utilities and transportation can leave little left over for buying groceries.

Unexpected Life Events

Life can change in an instant. A job loss, medical emergency or other sudden financial hardship can push even stable families into food insecurity. Many grandparents are finding themselves as primary guardians to their grandchildren as addiction takes over the lives of their children.

Rising Cost of Living

As housing, health care, food and education costs rise, more households are financially strained. Families often face difficult choices between paying for essentials, like medications or childcare, and putting food on the table.

Fixed Incomes

Seniors and people with disabilities living on fixed incomes, such as Social Security, struggle to afford all their needs.

Systemic Barriers

Marginalized communities often face greater economic challenges due to systemic inequalities in access to education, employment and housing. These barriers make it harder to break the cycle of poverty, leaving many individuals and families reliant on food assistance.

Create Lasting Change

Food assistance programs exist to help people through difficult times, ensuring that no one has to go hungry. Please consider supporting the LSS Food Pantries to help us provide a lifeline to our neighbors. 

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